Featured Comment
Ryan Taulbee     Ryan_Taulbee@yahoo.com     12.16.00
"I needed some good graphics to go on the web page that I'm designing. I have been to some other sites (i.e. icon-bazaar), and yours is the fastest and most concise. Good idea about the .zip files that contain all of a category. Now I can look at them in the speed of a harddrive rather than a butt slow internet connection. :) Great Site!"

Awards on the Net
Well Written Web Award
April, 1999

spring, 1999
The Mining Company
27 March 1998
IWay 500 Award Main Street Earth
Top Ten Sites
December 7, 1997
Neat-O-Page of the Day
15 Dec 1995
Too Cool Award
8 Dec 1995
The Mining Company
Best of Campus Market Plaza
Graphic site of the day
He@ven Top 1% Webmaster Resources
Duke of URL NedSite

Listings in Publications
- Novum 10/2002 One of four featured design groups focusing on Designing in a small Space
- Creating Web Pages For Dummies This is the Quick Reference by Doug Lowe and published by Dummies Press.
- Creating Cool HTML 4 by Dave Taylor and published by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
- Creating Web Pages Simplified by maran Graphics and published by IDG Books Worldwide, Foster City, California. Thanks for the mention!
- Create Your Own Webpage in a Weekend by Steve Callihan
- Complete Idiots Guide to HTML This second edition by Paul McFedries, mentions Realm Graphics as a source for images for your pages.
- MacWeek Found that MacWeek mentioned us in their 02/97 issue!
- PC Proffessional This German publical mentioned us in their 10/97 issue!
- Yahoo Magazine Several surfers have informed us that Yahoo has cited Realm Graphics as a good place to visit! Realm Graphics was given 3 out of 4 stars for its content and quality.
- Publish It On The Web This HTML reference book by Bryan Pfaffenberger not only mentions Ender's Realm but also includes most of the Fall '95 update of Realm Graphics on the CD Rom. Many thanks to Bryan and his assistant David Wall for recognizing the Realm as a useful Web development resource.
- Using HTML, Special Edition It was brought to my attention that Tom Savola mentioned the Realm in his book.
- Inside the Internet "Get free GIFs at Realm Graphics," a Cobb Journal publication targeting the Realm as a key source of WWW graphics.
- IWay Magazine As one will notice, following the above award emblem, Realm Graphics was rated #2 on the web in the category of downloadable goodies.
- The Net Magazine A mention of the archive along with having some of the graphics included on the CD ROM.

- WWW5 Conference The popularity and design of this site resulted in my speaking at the 5th International Web Conference in Paris on creative Web design.